Why I started my business

Why did I start SmoochSuits? To be honest, my answer is desperation!
I had just been made redundant a second time, on maternity leave (not happy), and I wasn't prepared to kiss goodbye to a career I had spent so many years building.
To me, the title of stay-at-home Mum sat uneasily and I knew that I would never be satisfied if I wasn’t working. I like to be challenged and work within a team environment and really help a business grow. I love to travel. Being stuck at home with 3 kids under 3 was not what I saw for myself.
I came up with the idea for SmoochSuits from my love of Bonds Wondersuits and the lack of availability of zip suits in the UK. Back home, in Australia, Wondersuits were readily available with even supermarket chains selling their own brands.
I would rely on my Mum to bring the suits over for me when she came to visit, but never did I think this would one day be a business idea. My husband is a big fan of zip suits and hates the poppers. It was he who initially talked to me about importing the suits myself.
I had sat on the idea for a few years while I was focussed on work and caring for Charlotte. It was only when I found myself staring down the looming tunnel of unemployment that I really got motivated and started to work out how I was going to create my own business.
It was also obvious that, once the twins came along, working out-of-home was not an option. I needed a business that would allow me to stay at home but earn an income as well.
To start with I imported 150 suits and started selling them on Facebook Marketplace. I found that having to take photos of the suits and discuss sizes with multiple different clients all at once was very time consuming. I needed to find a better, more efficient way to present my product.
One of John's colleagues suggested I look at Shopify and, to be honest, I've never looked back. Shopify has proven to be user-friendly, a practical and professional tool to establish and run my business.
I'm proud to say that I have built the entire business from the ground up and created the website and content all myself. I have great plans to expand the business as and when the twins grow and eventually head off to nursery and then school.
It's been great to have John’s support. He has started a number of businesses and is a great support to me. It’s also good to discuss ideas and get a second perspective, but SmoochSuits is all me.
Take a look at my other blog, Why all mums could start their own businesses.
Kelly xxx
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